LLC “Vasileostrovskaya clinic of reproduction”
St. Petersburg, st. 13 liniya VO, 10, lit. A
The Next Generation Clinic (VKR LLC) occupies a leading position in the field of reproductive medicine, treatment of female and male infertility, cytogenetic and molecular genetic studies. To date, the clinic has created a large bank of vitrified eggcells, cryopreserved sperm and embryos. Donor programs have been developed within the framework of the IVF cycle. The most advanced technologies and high-precision equipment are used to reliably diagnose the causes of infertility.

European Medical Center
Moscow, street Pravdy, 15 building 1
The European Medical Center (EMC) is the number 1 private clinic providing high-tech care. For more than 29 years we have been conducting diagnostics and treatment in Moscow according to European and international protocols in accordance with the standards of world evidence-based medicine. EMC employs over 600 highly qualified doctors from Russia, France, the USA, Israel, Germany and Japan, 16 professors of medicine and more than 30 doctors of medical sciences.

Clinic for reproductive medicine “Healthy Heritage“
Moscow region, Odintsovsky district, VNIISSOK, Denisa Davydova street, 13
The Clinic for Reproductive Medicine “Healthy Heritage” is a clinic of a new generation of infertility treatment, operating at the global level of care adopted in Europe and the USA. For clinic’s team of professionals – gynecologists-reproductologists, embryologists, urologists-andrologists, specialists in ultrasound diagnostics, endocrinologists, anesthesiologists, therapists – the most important result of our work is the appearance of a long-awaited baby in your family.

Clinic of reproduction “Scandinavia Ava-Peter”
St. Petersburg, str. Ilushina 4/2
The clinic “Scandinavia AVA-PETER” belongs to the international network “AVA”, which has been working in the field of ART since 1987, and in St. Petersburg since 1996. AVA-PETER Clinic is a full member of the American Society for Reproductive Medicine (ASRM) and the European Association for Human Reproduction (ESHRE).

JSC “International Center for Reproductive Medicine”
St. Petersburg, Komendantsky Ave., 53, bldg. 1, lit. A
The International Center for Reproductive Medicine is one of the first medical institutions that has begun the introduction and practical application of assisted reproductive technologies (ART) in Russia and the CIS since 1993. The center is developing dynamically every year, ensuring a stable growth of its results.

Group of companies “Mother and Child“
Moscow, Saint Petersburg
The Group of Companies “Mother and Child” is the leader of the Russian market for private medical services for adults and children. In GC arsenal there are 5 clinical hospitals and 31 outpatient clinics in Russia, 3 franchised clinics in Ukraine. Clinic does our best to preserve the health of the nation and introduce the advanced achievements of world medical science into the practice of Russian healthcare.